Well, let's see. Where were we? It's been interesting around here lately, to say the least. I'm on my third antibiotic since Christmas for sinusitis that won't go away and leaves me feeling exhausted and sick about all the time. My doctor thinks it wil require surgery to fix my crazily deviated septum and restore proper drainage to my sinuses before it's going to go away, but I'm reserving judgment until my upcoming appointment with an ENT specialist. I've known for quite a while that, structurally speaking, the inside of my nose looks like a train wreck, but fixing it has always been more of an optional issue as opposed to something I'd have to do just to get well. Also, I am fresh off of 48 hours of life with only 4 hours of sleep, thanks to my daughter, who - in spite of the fact that she becomes more beautiful, charming, and incredible with each passing day - is nonetheless going through the incremental teething process and has now added the 6-month growth spurt to her repertoire of angst just to keep things interesting. Never a dull (or well-rested) moment with a baby in the house. And, for a little dollop of icing on the cake, my computer contracted a nasty rootkit infection which - very long story short - is requiring me to wipe and reinstall everything on my hard drive. So for now, the blog will be flying photo-less, until I get Photoshop and all my camera utilities redone. Not that there's much to take a picture of, since all the upheaval of late has resulted in no knitting, though as we charge headlong into spring, I'm hoping soon to have photos of our garden going in, and more cooking and booze making in the works.
In the meantime, snagged from my email, here's a very recent picture of the kiddo, dressed for spring and saying goodbye to the last of the winter leaves.
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