04 January 2010

Was WIP, now *whoops*

Pride goeth before a fall, it's said, and probably because someone knitted a hat which turned out well and decided to knit another in a size larger than the pattern allowed for. No problem, thought the overconfident knitter, I'll wing it. I will simply cast on more stitches and improvise the decrease rows thus... And right up until the seaming began, the overconfident knitter thought she had scored another triumph - another near-perfect (not quite as) little sprout hat for her nephew. But wait - what's going on here at the top? It's a little... wonky. By that I mean uneven. As in the top left side is a little higher than the top right side and there's this little bulge on one side of the stem...

Husband (trying to be helpful): Hats don't have sides. They're round.
Overconfident knitter (whining): But it looks weird!
Husband: It's hardly noticeable.
Overconfident knitter: No it's not! That bulge is as big as a bus!
Husband: Well, I'm sure it will disappear once sombody actually puts it on. It will stretch out.
Overconfident knitter (in no mood to be mollified): It has to be in the decreases! The deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeecreases! *eye twitches*

After much wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth, during which several options were considered (ripping it out and starting over, hiding it in a drawer, donating it to Gooodwill, gifting it to someone with an uneven head), the no-longer-overconfident knitter thinks she has decided to go ahead and send it to her nephew. It's really not that bad, and he's so adorable that people will likely be so distracted by his cuteness they won't notice his lopsided, ill-advised hat. And, most important of all - he lives in San Diego, so who wears wool hats there, anyway?
Next time, humility (and a pattern).


  1. I don't think it looks lumpy or wonky. You are being too hard on yourself!!

  2. Thank you, dear! A fragile peace has been established between the hat and me... I really need to put it away before I change my mind and start breaking out in hives again.
